Visionary Awards by Quaker Commercial, submit your entries before December 31,2022

The Fred



BKV Group
Prosource Building Supply

For developers of this 400+ unit multi-family structure, Quaker and our large array of products were the clear-cut choice when it came to windows and doors. Quaker’s V300 Series vinyl windows and V250 Series Sliding Doors outperformed notable competitors by fulfilling all specifications. Meanwhile, Quaker M300 Aluminum Sliding Doors and M600 Aluminum Hinged Doors served purposes necessitated by their locations within the building.

  • With a rating of CW-50 for all window units (even 2− and 3−window groupings), the desired structural minimum rating of LC-40 was comfortably outdistanced.
  • Quaker exceeded the energy performance criteria specified which included separate UValue and Solar Heat Gain values for windows and doors.
  • All products easily topped the requested STC and OITC rating minimums of 25 and 22 respectively.
  • Operating windows met the requested Forced Entry Resistance Factor.
  • When apprehension was raised about Quaker’s vinyl sliding doors not handling expected windloadson the top story, an alternate was suggested — our aluminum M300 Series sliding doors — and eventually agreed upon. No secondary supplier was necessary as Quaker had the solution in our back pocket all along. The aluminum color even matched the vinyl.
  • M600 Series hinged doors sported a low-profile sill for ADA purposes.

 The first sections of The Fred opened in mid-2023. The remaining portions were completed by the end of that same year, sporting more than 2200 Quaker windows and doors.

Project Pictures

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